The Kno divides its home screen into three tabs: My Apps, My Courses and My Library. Under the Apps tab, the tablet — which runs a version of embedded Linux operating system — has a browser, notebooks, news apps and an RSS reader. Kno plans to release a SDK (software developers kit) so independent programmers can create applications for the device.

The My Courses tab features all e-textbooks sorted by semester. The company plans to have its own bookstore where students can download textbooks.

Overall, e-textbooks from the Kno bookstore will be about 30 percent to 40 percent cheaper than their hardcover versions.

The 14-inch Kno has the same relationship to the 6-inch Kindle that college textbooks have to trade paperbacks. Textbooks are big, heavy, they cost a lot of money, they’ve got expensive illustrations and the publishers are all different.

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